How to Make Coffee Alkaline

Have you ever considered that your coffee consumption habits are the cause of the churning in your stomach that you feel during the day and the heartburn that you feel at night? If not, then it’s about time you consider the acidic nature of coffee and the effects it can imprint. 

According to studies conducted by the American College of Gastroenterology, around 15 million Americans experience symptoms of heartburn on a daily basis and around 60 million Americans report suffering from heartburn at least once a month. Quite a significant percentage, huh?

Before prescribing medications to patients, many doctors tend to suggest making some lifestyle changes that can help tame acid reflux, one of which entails avoiding acidic foods and drinks. In this post, I’ll go over how to make coffee more alkaline so that you can prevent acid reflux. 

Ways to Make Alkaline Coffee

There are various ways you can make alkaline coffee or, in other words, neutralize the presence of acid in your coffee. I’ve made sure to go over more than one method so that you can go for the one that you find appealing since you may find some of them slightly inconvenient. 

Use Low-Acid Coffee Beans 

Low-acid coffee beans are either naturally grown or treated in a way that reduces acidity whilst maintaining ample flavor. Some brands remove the waxy upper layer from coffee beans before roasting them, which helps decrease acidity and boost flavor. 

However, this method does have a bit of a drawback, and that it makes the coffee less aromatic. So if you’re someone that dearly values the coffee aroma, this approach may not be convenient for you. Alternatively, some brands extend the roasting time, which can also lessen the acidity. 

Include Salt or Baking Soda

Now this is a method that many coffee fiends are going to find inconvenient right out of the gate. However, the fact of the matter is that baking soda or salt can efficiently lessen the acidity of your coffee. For this method to work though, it’s imperative that you add the right quantity.

You can utilize salt in two ways. The first way is by adding it to the grounds before you begin the brewing process. The second way is by adding it directly into your cup of coffee. This aids in removing the acidity-causing flavor of brew since salt is known to be an acid neutralizer. 

When it comes to baking soda, you should know that it has an alkaline pH value of 9. On the pH scale, 0 indicates the highest acidity and 14 indicates the highest alkalinity. So it’s pretty obvious that baking soda is broadly alkaline in nature. As little as a 1/4 teaspoon should be sufficient. 

Make Coffee Alkaline With an Acid Reducer

One of the most convenient ways to neutralize the presence of acid in coffee is by using an acid reducer. The way acid reducers work is by producing a chemical reaction that very quickly removes most acids in coffee. Please note that I said most, not all! 

Acid reducers are quite affordable and can be bought at any coffee store. The good thing about acid reducers is that they remove most of the acids in coffee without altering its taste. And to be more specific, quality acid reducers can help you reduce up to 90% of your coffee’s acidity. 

Make Coffee Alkaline With Eggshells

Again, another odd-sounding method to get rid of your coffee’s acidic presence. How exactly do eggshells help with eliminating acids from coffee? Eggshells contain alkaline calcium, and when mixed with coffee during the brewing process, the alkaline components neutralize the acids. 

In addition to helping you reduce the acidic presence in your coffee, mixing eggshells with your coffee can also help reduce the bitter taste that’s associated with the roasting of beans. All you need to do is break two eggs, wash the eggshells, and then add them to the coffee grounds. 

Make sure you clean the eggshells thoroughly before adding them to the coffee grounds, as you don’t want your coffee smelling or tasting like eggs. After the brewing process is completed, you can then enjoy a tasty cup of joe that’s a lot less acidic and that won’t result in acid reflux.

Don’t Leave the Coffee Hot

Most of us love our coffee hot, and it’s quite inconvenient to brew our coffee every time we want it, which is why we end up leaving it in places such as a thermos where the coffee’s temperature remains maintained. However, this is a surefire way to maximize your coffee’s acidity.

When you leave your coffee hot for too long, the oils continue to release acids, which makes the coffee notably acidic. I suggest cooling the coffee before you store it. You can always warm it up whenever you’re ready to drink it. Alternatively, you can just opt for making fresh brews. 

Use Alkaline Water to Brew

Another way to make alkaline coffee is by utilizing alkaline water instead of regular water. You’ll need to pour about 6 ounces of alkaline water for each cup of coffee that you plan on making. If you’re going for a French press, you’ll need to pour the water into the kettle until it boils. 

For each cup of coffee that you plan on making, you’ll need to add a single tablespoon of coffee instead of two to the French press or the filter. Alkaline water is able to release the natural flavor of coffee with ease, which is why you only need one tablespoon instead of two. 

Now that everything is set, all you have to do is turn your coffee maker on and just wait until the brewing process to be completed. If you’re using a French press, simply pour the hot water over your coffee and just let it sit for about 5 minutes before depressing the plunger. 

Decrease the Brewing Time

Like I’ve already mentioned, the longer the coffee is left hot, the more acidic it becomes. This essentially means that if you shorten the brewing time, you’ll be able to reduce the acids in your coffee since less acid is going to be extracted. Don’t worry, you’ll still get the same tasty flavor. 

Utilize Paper Filters Instead

There are many ways to make coffee, and if you’re resorting to a method that involves utilizing a filter, you want to steer clear of metal mesh filters and use a paper filter instead. Paper filters are capable of sieving most of the oils that are responsible for increasing the acidity of the coffee. 

Add a Little Bit of Cream or Milk 

Dairy products are very rich in calcium, and we already know by now that calcium has the ability to reduce acidity by balancing out the pH level. By applying some cream or milk, you help get rid of the acids in your coffee. I’m not suggesting that you switch to only drinking cappuccino or lattes, but a small dash of dairy can make a real difference. This method is highly recommended for dark roast coffee only.