Can You Freeze Coffee Creamer?

Coffee creamer is extremely versatile and can complete any cup of coffee. It comes in so many different variations and brands, there’s something for everyone. Plus, with so many options you’ll never get bored!

However, coffee creamer can go bad easily when not properly stored. Opened a bottle and wondering how long you can keep it? Perhaps your local store had a sale and now you’ve bought enough of your favorite creamers to last a lifetime.

Whatever the reason, you’re here because you’re wondering – can coffee creamer be frozen? In short, yes, you can freeze coffee creamer. Freezing creamer will significantly extend its shelf-life while retaining its original quality and taste.

Keep reading to learn all you need to know about how to freeze and thaw your coffee creamer. I’ll also explain ways you can use frozen coffee creamers and the shelf life of different coffee creamers.

How Long Does Coffee Creamer Last?

The most common types of coffee creamers are powdered and liquid creamer. The lifespan of your creamer depends on the form it’s in.

Like most powdered products, powdered coffee creamer can last up to 2 years at optimal quality. It can last almost indefinitely and won’t go bad if stored properly, especially if it’s frozen. However, when frozen, the quality and taste of the powdered coffee creamer may degrade over time.

If unopened, store-bought liquid coffee creamer will last pretty long as it usually contains added preservatives. Once opened, liquid coffee creamer can last up to 1 to 2 weeks in the fridge and 4 to 6 months in the freezer. After thawing, it is generally advised to use your creamer in 5 to 7 days.

Lastly, homemade coffee creamer should be stored in the fridge once it’s made. It does not contain any preservatives like your store-bought creamers and will spoil quickly. Homemade coffee creamer will usually last up to 5 to 7 days in the fridge and 4 to 6 months in the freezer.

VarietyIn the FridgeIn the Freezer
Powdered coffee creamer“Best by” date plus a monthUp to 2 years
Liquid coffee creamerUp to 2 weeksUp to 6 months
Homemade coffee creamerUp to 1 weekUp to 6 months

Does Coffee Creamer Freeze Well?

Most manufacturers generally advise and print on the bottles not to freeze coffee creamer. Despite this, coffee creamer still freezes rather well. Nothing usually goes bad when freezing coffee creamer, and there are things you can do and take note of before freezing. 

Regular liquid dairy coffee creamers will freeze relatively well in their original packaging or as ice cubes. Freezing will extend its shelf life, and you will never significantly cut down on waste. Freezing may cause some separation in the creamer, but it’s totally normal and can be fixed.

Non-dairy liquid creamers, since they contain no dairy, will freeze especially well and retain their original quality. When thawed, it will usually taste just as good as when it’s fresh. 

When it comes to powdered coffee creamer, people are often scared that it will clump when frozen. If packed and stored correctly, you can freeze powder creamer well. After all, we do freeze flour too. With frozen powdered coffee creamer, it will most likely readily dissolve in your hot coffee, so you don’t need to thaw it.

How to Freeze Coffee Creamer

Freezing coffee creamer is relatively simple and can be done at home with minimal or even zero equipment. Here are three methods that I’ve found to be most simple when freezing coffee creamer:

How to Freeze Coffee Creamer in the Bottle

First, the easiest method would be to freeze the coffee creamer in its original packaging. Some may suggest that you should remove some creamer in the bottle to give it space to expand. But you generally don’t need to, and it’s your call.

Just place the bottle into the freezer and let it freeze. Remember to label the bottle with the date you froze it. 

If you have multiple bottles, place the newest one at the back and the oldest ones at the front. That way, you won’t be left with an old neglected bottle of creamer at the back of your freezer.

How to Freeze Coffee Creamer with Ice Cube Trays

This is my favorite method of freezing coffee creamer. It’s quick and convenient to use, and is best if you’re alone and just need small portions of coffee creamer at a time. 

Pour coffee creamer into the ice cube tray. Carefully pour the coffee creamer into an ice cube tray. Cover the ice cube tray with aluminum foil or saran wrap.

Store and freeze. Place the ice cube tray into the freezer and wait to set and freeze. Coffee creamer will usually take around 3 hours to freeze. 

Transfer ice cubes to a new container. Once frozen, transfer your frozen cubes of coffee creamer into a freezer-safe bag or container. Seal tightly and label the bag with the date and contents. 

Moving it into a new container is optional. However doing this will save you some space in your freezer, as well as leaving the ice cube tray free to use again.

How to Freeze Coffee Creamer in a Container

Lastly, you can freeze coffee creamers in freezer-safe containers or bags. If you and other people at home use coffee creamer regularly, this may be the best option for you. 

Choose a suitable container. To freeze coffee creamer in a container, make sure to get an airtight freezer-safe container or bag. It could be plastic or glass, or even a mason jar.

Pour coffee creamer into the container. Carefully pour the coffee creamer into the container. 

Label and freeze. Cover and seal the container tightly. Label with the date and contents and store. It will take around 6 to 12 hours to freeze, depending on the volume of the creamer. Then you’re good to go!

Can You Freeze Non-Dairy Creamer?

The content and type of creamer do make a difference in its freezing process and overall lifespan. So what about non dairy creamer varieties such as almond, coconut, or oat creamers? Can they be frozen too?

For the most part, you can freeze non-dairy creamers just as you would with normal dairy creamers. If anything, non-dairy creamers may be slightly easier to freeze than milk based varieties. 

As with everything you freeze and thaw, the texture of non-dairy creamers may change. Especially for non-dairy creamers, when thawed, the texture may become slightly grainy, but it’s still good to use. 

Freezing Homemade Coffee Creamer

If you’ve made a batch of coffee creamer at home, you might be wondering how you can extend its shelf life and enjoy it as long as possible. Well, you can freeze it too! Homemade coffee creamer can be frozen and used just as you would with store-bought coffee creamer. 

However, as you know, homemade coffee creamer may not last as long as your store-bought options. The texture and quality of the creamer may also differ as they do not contain all the added ingredients such as preservatives and thickeners.

How to Thaw Coffee Creamer

Just like freezing, there are a couple ways you can thaw coffee creamer too. The most straightforward option is to let the whole bottle or container thaw in the refrigerator for a day or until it’s melted.

Afterward, be sure to shake well or whisk your liquid creamer to recombine the ingredients as they may separate, especially for half and half creamers. Once thawed, the shelf life will be reduced. So be sure to use it as soon as possible and consume it within a week.

It’s also advised not to thaw at room temperature as the creamer may begin to separate into different layers. It can be fixed by giving it a good whisk. However, bacteria are more likely to multiply in the creamer at room temperature.

For individual cubes, you can take as much as you need and just add it to your hot coffee. It should thaw rather quickly in your drink. But if you don’t want your coffee to be cold, you can take some ice cubes of coffee creamer out the night before and let it thaw in a bowl or cup.

If you are using powdered coffee creamer, you don’t need to thaw it. Just scoop out the amount you need and leave the rest in the freezer. Otherwise, the powder may absorb moisture and condensation.

What to Do With Frozen Coffee Creamer

There are so many things you can do with frozen coffee creamer. While it’s labeled a coffee creamer, you can use it as a light substitute for creamers or milk. Here are some ways you can use frozen coffee creamer.

Firstly, you can use frozen coffee creamer cubes as is. They make a great addition to iced coffees. Creamer ice cubes cool down coffee and also make it milky. Your coffee will not taste diluted as you’d experience when regular ice melts.

Frozen coffee creamer can also be used in milkshakes or smoothies as substitutes for ice. It will provide a rich, creamy and thick consistency. Just drop it in before making your smoothie in the blender. 

Lastly, you can heat frozen coffee creamer in a mug and store it in liquid form.

How to Tell If Coffee Creamer Has Gone Bad

Unfortunately, like all perishables, coffee creamers will go bad eventually. How can you tell if it’s spoiled? There are some tell-tale signs you can look out for. 

If your liquid coffee creamer appears curdled, lumpy and does not mix with your coffee, it might have gone off. You can take a sip of it, and if it tastes sour and gone off, it probably has gone bad and should be discarded.

Next, a quick sniff test is an easy way to tell if it has gone bad. Spoilt creamers will give off a foul smell and should be thrown away. 

For powdered coffee creamer, if moisture enters, the mold can grow. Look out for mold or clumps in the powder. 

Importantly, if you brew a cup of coffee with creamer and it tastes bad, it means it’s gone off and you should throw it away. Especially with dairy creamer, you run the risk of food poisoning if you drink it.