Can You Freeze Almond Flour?

Almond flour, often called almond meal, has been a popular alternative to regular flour (all-purpose, occident, wheat) in recent years. It holds many nutritional benefits compared to regular flour, such as being high in fiber and protein and even gluten-free. 

Once a bag of almond flour is opened, it will spoil or go rancid quickly. This is because it is rich in fat (oil) from all the grounded almonds. This means you need to store it properly and as soon as possible.

So, can you freeze almond flour? Yes, you can freeze almond flour! Freezing almond flour is simple, quick, and can be done at home with minimal equipment. It will go a long way to extend its shelf life. 

Keep reading to learn all you need to know about freezing and defrosting almond flour, including tell-tale signs that it’s going bad.

How Long Does Almond Flour Last?

How long almond flour lasts depends on a few factors, such as if your almond flour is homemade or store-bought, opened or unopened, and where it’s stored.

Homemade almond flour will last up to 3 months in the pantry at room temperature. It will keep up to 6 months if stored in the fridge or up to 1 year in the freezer. Homemade flour’s shelf-life is much shorter than store-bought almond flour as it is not made under strict factory conditions. 

The best gauge to decide how long store-bought almond flour will last is by looking at the ‘best-by’ date on the packaging. The ‘best-by’ date is just a recommendation and the flour can last much longer than the stated date. However, the quality may deteriorate depending on how and where you store it.

Unopened store-bought almond flour will probably last a few months or years after its ‘best-by’ date, depending on where it’s stored. Storing unopened almond flour in the freezer will significantly extend its shelf-life for up to 2 years or even indefinitely. The cold temperature does an excellent job at preserving the almond flour’s texture and quality.

Once opened, store-bought almond flour should be used as soon as possible, especially if stored in the pantry. However, if stored in the fridge, opened store-bought almond flour can last up to 6 months or up to 1 year in the freezer. 

Check out the table below for a quick guide on how long your specific almond flour will last:

Type of Almond FlourIn the PantryIn the FridgeIn the Freezer
Unopened Store-bought“Best-by” dateUp to 1 yearUp to 2 years
Opened Store-boughtUp to 3 monthsUp to 6 monthsUp to 1 year
HomemadeUp to a monthUp to 3 monthsUp to 1 year

How to Freeze Almond Flour

Freezing almond flour is so simple and will take you less than 10 minutes. Freezing will significantly extend the shelf-life of your flour and also prevent any waste. All you will need is your store-bought or homemade flour and an airtight container or resealable bag. 

Here’s how you can freeze almond flour at home:

Choose the appropriate container to store the flour. From the original packaging, transfer the almond flour into a new container. I recommended using a freezer-safe airtight plastic container or a freezer-safe plastic sealable bag. 

Transfer the almond flour into the new container. Store the almond flour in your chosen container. Tightly seal the bag or container to prevent any air or moisture from entering. Once moisture enters, it will cause clumps and contaminate your flour. 

Label and store into the freezer. Label the container with the date (or “best-by” date) and content, if you’re forgetful like me. Store flat in your freezer, and you’re good to go. 

Tips for Freezing Almond Flour

  • You don’t need to separate into smaller portions. Since almond flour has little to no moisture, it will not become solid. You can easily scoop out any amount of flour you need anytime from the freezer.
  • Store away from strong odor food. Almond flour can easily absorb smells and tastes from nearby foods. Store away from fragrant or strong odor food and store in well-sealed containers to ensure nothing enters the almond flour.
  • Avoid freezing in its original packaging. The paper bag will absorb moisture. Moisture causes clumps in the flour, and the quality and taste will deteriorate.
  • Double bag if needed. If you’re still keen on storing and freezing almond flour in its original packaging, you can store it in a second bag to protect it from moisture. If you store it in a resealable bag, you can use a second bag just in case of punctures or holes. 

How to Defrost Almond Flour

Defrosting almond flour is just as easy as freezing it, if anything it’s even more straightforward! You’ll just need to follow these simple steps and have an hour or two to spare. 

Here’s how to defrost almond flour:

Scoop out the amount needed. Measure and remove the amount of almond flour required out of the freezer and into a bowl.

Defrost and bring to room temperature. Leave the frozen almond flour on the counter and allow it to sit and warm until it reaches room temperature. Cold almond flour may affect the texture of your baked goods. Some say it inhibits bread from rising or even creates a sticky dough. 

Once at room temperature, use as per usual. Once the almond flour is at room temperature or warm, you can incorporate it into your recipe as per normal and get baking!

Tips for Defrosting Almond Flour

  • Defrost on a baking tray. To quickly warm and defrost the frozen almond flour, place a thin layer on a baking tray and allow it to rest and warm for about 30 minutes.
  • Cold flour may be great for pastries. Some recipes call for chilled ingredients, including flour! So you can lessen the time needed to defrost almond flour. This will help create a flakey textured crust.
  • Avoid refreezing. Refreezing flour or any food for that matter, is a big no-no. Refreezing will affect the texture and quality of the flour significantly.
  • Don’t remove and defrost the whole container. Measure and defrost only the amount of almond flour you need. It would be a waste to defrost the entire container; it will take a long time, and as we’ve learned, refreezing is not good for flour. 

How to Tell if Almond Flour Has Gone Bad

Unlike whole grain flour, nut flours (almond, hazelnut, or walnut flour) are rich in fat and generally have a shorter shelf-life. Unfortunately, this means that almond flour will go bad quickly, especially if it’s not stored correctly. 

Here are a few tell-tale signs you can look out for before using bad or spoiled almond flour in your next recipe:

Rancid Smell

We are all familiar with and love the nutty and light aroma of almond flour. The easiest way to tell if your almond flour has gone bad is by a quick sniff test. 

If it smells anything other than the nutty aroma we love, it’s most likely gone bad and you should throw it away immediately. Bad almond flour will usually give off a rancid, musty, or sour smell.


Gone-off almond flour will usually change color. Fresh and good almond flour will have a light cream or beige taint. If the color has gone yellow, grey, or anything other than the standard color of almond flour, it most likely has gone bad. 


Changes in the texture of the almond flour are also clear signs that your almond flour has gone bad. Bad almond flour will usually clump, become lumpy or even be slightly wet, and you should definitely throw them away. 

For refrigerated or frozen almond flour, wait until it is at room temperature to assess the clumps and lumps.  


The most obvious sign almond flour has gone bad is mold. You may observe mold or green specs in the flour. This means it’s time to go, and you should discard it immediately. 

What Happens if You Eat Expired Almond Flour?

If you’ve eaten almond flour that has expired or is a few weeks after its “best-by” date, you will generally be okay.

As we’ve learned, “best-by” dates are usually just recommendations. Almond flour can last much longer past the stated date if stored properly. You can expect that the quality of the flour may start to deteriorate after the “best-by” date. However, it’s generally still safe to use and consume.

However, if you see any signs that it has spoiled, you should not use the expired almond flour.

If you’ve eaten truly expired almond flour, you may have experienced an unpleasant taste. Nonetheless, you would generally be fine and not fall ill.

On the other hand, if you’ve eaten almond flour with mold, it can be dangerous and cause food poisoning, and you should stop eating it immediately. If you feel ill, be sure to visit a doctor just in case.

Why Freeze Almond Flour?

You might ask yourself: Well, I can freeze almond flour, but why should I freeze it?

There are so many reasons to freeze flour, but here are three of my top reasons why I choose to freeze almond flour. 

Extend Its Shelf-life. There’s nothing worse than having a batch of bad almond flour that you can’t use to bake a batch of fresh cookies. When you freeze almond flour, you can extend its shelf-life and delay the oxidation process and spoilage. 

Save Your Money. Almond flour is definitely not the cheapest type of flour out there. If you have a batch of almond flour or bought some at a discount, you would want to make sure it lasts long and keep it stored safely. Freezing almond flour will save you money from buying more when you run out, or it expires.

Reduce Food Wastage. This is pretty self-explanatory. Freezing almond four or close to expired flour will extend its shelf life, and you don’t need to throw it away! 

Whether you’ve made some almond flour from scratch or bought some that were on sale, you can never go wrong with freezing almond flour!